The Windmill and Pond


The windmill, “Darlingke”, was a gift to Kingsbrae Garden from John & Lucinda Flemer, to honour Mr. Flemer’s Dutch heritage. It’s a one-third scale, functioning

windmill, built in Holland and then dismantled and erected at the Garden by the Dutch Firm of Vaags in 1998. We use it to help circulate the water from the lower

to the upper pond, on order to keep the ponds from stagnating. The vanes of the windmill are turned to face the direction of the wind. When the large vanes are

turning, you can watch the water coming up through a screw onto a wooden sluice, through a rocky creek bed and into the upper pond. Both ponds were lined with

marine clay. Our in-ground irrigation system draws from the ponds, thereby lessening our draw on the Town’s water system.



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